Performance Extra E7 15W-40

Finol Performance E7 15W-40 is a mineral lubricant designed for on-road diesel engines. Recommended to Euro 3, adapted to Euro 5 and previous engines of most European and American manufacturers, Finol Performance E7 15W-40 enables the coverage of some fleets with mixed brands. The excellent dispersant, detergent and anti-wear properties keep the engine clean and allow for efficient control of a wide array of contaminants including soot, sludge and piston deposits. Speak to one of our technical team members today to learn more about this premium range of engine oils.



* Finol Performance E7 15W-40 is a mineral lubricant developed for and used in on-road diesel technology
* Adapted to the most severe servicing conditions: transports, public works
* Complies with the EURO 2, EURO 3 and EURO 4 technologies (except the DAF and MAN EURO 4 engines).

* Its very high-performance level ensures longer drain intervals.
* Use the same lubricant for all the diesel engines of your fleet, whatever their make.
* Exceptional antiwear and anticorrosion properties.
* Good efficiency against bore polishing.
* Excellent viscosity stability in operation.
* Very high detergency and dispersal levels (limits oil thickening due to soots).

* ACEA E5 / E7
* API CI-4/ CH-4/ SL